What a High Energy Bat Mitzvah!

ברוב תודה לה׳ יתברך
Dov and I are thankful, grateful and honored to have shared this milestone, the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter, Aderet Chaya, with the people, we care most about in the world.
We would like to express our gratitude for everything – that each of you contributed to our High Energy Bat Mitzvah.

Thankful to you – our children.
Ellie. Aderet. Reena. Charlie.
We are so proud of you and your amazing personalities, accomplishments and HIGH ENERGY.

Thankful to you – our parents.
Our role-models since we were little, inspiring us to do things, beyond our potential, making us eager to accomplish the wildest dreams.

Thankful to you – our family.
We are grateful, for the many incredible moments of laughter, love, hope and joy, excitement and fun.

Special shout out to our sister, Rivke, without a doubt a high energy sister and a team player. We can honestly, can say, that without your help, the High Energy Bat Mitzvah, would not have been such a success. You are an amazing teacher, speechwriter, video editor, organizer, therapist, and the best sister!

Thankful to you – our community – the web of our existence.
We can proudly state that we have friends for a life-time, whom we will support with each opportunity we have, trusting and being thankful for each contribution into our lives and the happiness of our family.

We are thankful to our friends, fantastic listeners and guiding lights in the darkness of doubt. We are absolutely honored to have each of you by our side, being able to share, support, criticize, laugh and share the experiences together.

Kol Hakavod, to our family and friends for your help, in making the simcha of our daughter, Aderet Chaya, such a High Energy Bat Mitzvah Celebration.
Super Thanks!
Party Planner

Why do you need a party planner?
We have to admit, We did ask ourselves that question, before we started working with Gilda, and coordinating the high energy bat mitzvah.
Now, we completely understand the benefits of working with a talented party planner.
It was such an outstanding pleasure working with Gilda. Armed 24/7 with a winning smile, Gilda, understood our vision for the event, and our budget. Kol Hakavod – you, produced an EPIC high energy bat mitzvah.


Working together with Aderet, (and us) you designed an awesome logo and graphics for our invitation, “Sign In Board”, backpacks and

Thanks for helping us avoid the hassle, by uploading our invitation to Paperless Post and printing off copies, that Aderet distributed to her friends.

Our guests enjoyed writing messages to Aderet on the adorable stickers that you prepared for her on the bright and fun “Sign In Board”.
We hope to continue using our new Aderet birkonim every Shabbat.

Kinerret, we had so much fun with you. Beginning with our “on location” photoshoot, to the family pictures, to the event itself, you were artistic, creative and professional.

It will definitely be a challenge choosing from among all of your stunning shots.

High Energy Bat Mitzvah Party

Shmulik – Tulip Flowers, Oriental Trading and Totally Promotional

Using superhero party decorations purchased materials from Oriental Trading, and schlepped in by my awesome sister in law, Mati, personalized backpacks from Totally Promotional and tulips from Shmulik Tulip Flowers, Gilda transformed the KSYM social hall into an awesome party space.


DJ Penina, you are AWESOME!
Party-goers of all ages were energized by your winning personality, fabulous music choices, and ruach.
We could have continued dancing all night!


We keep talking about the food. The kids keep talking about the food! The adults keep talking about the food!

Sara and her team provided us with much more than just delicious food. Everyone commented on the amazing service, attention to detail, creativity, fun, plentiful buffet and yes, I’ll say it again, the excellent food!

So happy, that our refrigerator and freezer are filled to the brim with leftovers!
Flash Magnets, you guys were everywhere, capturing the fun of our evening.
Love the disc with all of the pictures.
High Energy Divrei Bracha and Montage
Aderet – You are a Wonder Woman!

Click here to read the bracha.
Created with love by High Energy Mom!

High Energy Bat Mitzvah Wardrobe
Aderet’s Dress: A Little Different

Reena’s Dress: Century 21

Ellie’s Dress: Etzel Hallel

Click here for the High Energy Mom VLOG at Etzel Hallel.
Charlie’s suit: Noizz

High Energy Mom’s Dress: Mimi’s Hat’s and Dresses

Click here for the High Energy Mom VLOG at Mimi’s.

Shaytl: Tehila Lev
Click here for the High Energy Mom VLOG with Tehila.

Aderet (and final touch up to my shaytl)- Hana’s Hair Design

Granny, Ellie, and Reena: Liat Lange

High Energy Bat Mitzvah Shabbat
Super! Wow! Pow!
Gilda, thank you for coordinating Shabbat. You and your awesome team of helped set and clean a beautiful lunch.
Catering by Kibbutz Sha’alavim – Sdot Ayalon
Great choice to order food from Sha’alavim. Great service! Great options! Tasty! Generous servings!
Fruit Platter
Our friends (thanks!) ordered and had a fruit planner delivered from the best place in Israel, our friends at Candy Corner.

High Energy Bat Mitzvah
We are still on a HIGH!!!

Is it time to start planning, our next high energy bat mitzvah?
Special thanks to my high energy soul mate and life partner, Dov. May we continue to share smachot together. Love You!

Photos by KRifkind Photography