This week, my car had a mind of its own. Multiple times this past week, at 4:26 pm (or should I say 4:32) I found myself parked in front of SHA’HARON (Sharon’s Tzahron), only to remember, with dismay that Sha’haron had ended.
Charlie was our second child enrolled in Sharon Krasna outstanding Tzaharon (after-school program), so I knew from the start the quality of the child-centered structured, fun environment, reflective of Sharon’s passion towards children.
This year, Aviva Segal joined and was a fabulous addition, to the program. Together, Sharon and Aviva prioritized understanding the individuality of our son, and each individual child enrolled. Charlie’s strengths, challenges, interests, dreams, and fears were accessed, with patience and encouragement.
I have watched my son, as well as so many of his peers, mature, over the last year, in the safe, fun, and creative atmosphere that is Sha’haron.
Thank you, Sharon and Aviva, for picking up my son everyday from gan with a smile, walking him to your home, feeding him a nutritious lunch, encouraging him to develop social skills, foster and inspire his love for learning, teaching him to play Scrabble, taking him bi-weekly to local parks, arranging interesting field trips, and most importantly, for teaching him so many important lessons.
I hope, hope, hope, for the benefit of Modi’in’s children that you will be returning after your “shabbaton”. The children of Modi’in NEED you!
This week, I’ll try and remember and stop blocking your driveway ????
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