I’m sure you have floated in the salty waters of the Dead Sea, climbed Masada and shopped at the Ahava Factory Outlet. This Purim, explore the ancient mysteries of Megillat Esther, in the northern region, of the Dead Sea, a short drive from Jerusalem. Rejuvenate amidst the remarkable beauty of the landscape to the myriad of fascinating sights, this area has to offer.
Dead Sea
Purim Trip Guide: 3 Days at the Dead Sea
Skip town this Purim.
Sure, there’s nothing quite like celebrating Purim at home, in your own shul with family and friends, but why not take Purim on the road this year. Invite your family and friends to join, pack up all the Purim essentials, and head out to the lowest point on Earth, the Dead Sea.
Love the Dead Sea? Just came back from a trip? Love to hear from you!
If you have something to add or a question, happily leave a comment.
Love to see your pictures and hear all about your experiences!
Facebook Live at Hacnanait
Beta-Testing Day 2 – Dead Sea
Gorgeous weather! Great travel companion! Fabulous locations! Amazing people!
As always, Kol Hakavod to Margalit Frydman, for such a fabulous itinerary! Each place is better than the next.
Here is a quick overview of our day. I hope to tell you MORE about each of the great places we visited over the next few weeks and in the Ultimate Trip Guide for Purim!
Today we visited:
Guy Erlich – Balsamon farm
Ein Gedi Hotel & Synergy Spa
Yonit Beauty&Art
Can’t-Wait to Tell You More!!!
Rosh Chodesh Adar I @Qumran
Chodesh Tov! Tomorrow kicks off beta-testing for #ultimatetripguide#purim! @Margalitours and I are headed to the #qumran!
Can you guess the theme for Ultimate Trip Guide Purim Edition?
Option A: Join us – 3 seats in the car!!! Message Me! Departing at 8:10 am – hopefully #highenergykids will get to school on time 🙂
Option B: Meet us Qumran National Park.https://www.parks.org.il/en/reserve-park/qumran-park/
Option C: Join us on FACEBOOK LIVE!
Spread the word! Still interviewing for the perfect photographer/videographer 🙂
I have been preparing – Downloaded two podcasts today #theholylandsouthern sites. and Dead Sea Scrolls by YUTorah – Dr. Shnayer Leiman. Any other ideas for #cliffnotes
Did you ever visit the Qumran? What was the highlight of your trip? I have to ask – recommendations for the best place to stop for coffee? *wow* food? any local designers?
Chodesh Tov! Two months of High Energy Purim!